How to Configure Up Connect
How to Configure Up Connect
This document details how to enable the Reader Up Connect capability in the Reader Configuration Utility / Reader Web User Interface and CenterScape
Note: This document only applies to M200 readers using firmware version 2.40 and later as well as all firmware versions of the M250. If you need to download and install a new version of firmware for your reader, go to the Downloads section of the RF Code Support site: Utilities/Downloads
What is Up Connect?
Up Connect allows RF Code readers to communicate via the Reader Configuration Utility (RCU) or the web portal graphical user interface (the GUI accessed by using the reader’s IP address or default host name) with RF Code middleware (Zone Manager) and/or RF Code end-user asset configuration and management software (CenterScape).
When you configure Up Connect, the reader is configured to connect with RF Code software that is “upstream” and potentially on the other side of a firewall. This allows readers to be placed in remote locations and still be able to connect to CenterScape. Up Connect essentially punches a hole through a firewall to allow this communication.
The process to complete this configuration requires 2 parts:
Part 1 – Configure Up Connect in the Reader
Part 2 – Configure Up Connect in CenterScape
Notice: Up Connect must be configured in both the reader and in the CenterScape using matching login credentials, or the reader will fail to connect to the "upstream" software.
Part 1 - Configure Up Connect in the Reader
Configure Up Connect in the reader using either the Reader Configuration Utility (Part 1a) or using the reader web portal / GUI (Part 1b).
Part 1a - Up Connect Configuration Using the Reader Configuration Utility
The Up Connect tab in the Reader Configuration Utility consists of the following options:
- Enable Up Connect (or is labeled “Enabled”) - Check this box to enable the reader to Up Connect to the Asset Manager or Zone Manager.
- Up Connect IP Address (or is labeled “IP Address”) - Enter the IP address of the CenterScape that the reader should connect to.
- Up Connect Port (or is labeled“Port”) - Enter the port number over which the reader will communicate with the Asset Manager or Zone Manager. This port should always be set to port 6503 (its default setting).
- Up Connect Reader ID/Password (or is labeled “Up Connect ID/Password”) - Enter a reader ID and a password that will be utilized in the Up Connect configuration of CenterScape
To configure Up Connect in the Reader Configuration Utility, perform the following steps:
1. Open the Reader Configuration Utility.
2. When Reader Address populates automatically with the IP and MAC addresses, click the Connect button.
3. Click the Up Connect tab.
4. Click New.
5. Check the Enabled checkbox.
6. Refer to the Up Connect configuration field descriptions above and complete the fields.
7. Click Save Changes or Apply.
8. Click Finish.
Note: Be sure to keep note of the Up Connect Reader ID and password (optional) you choose and use here. You will need to use the same credentials when configuring CenterScape.
Part 1b - Up Connect Configuration Using the Reader Web Portal (GUI)
In lieu of the Reader Configuration Utility, the web portal (GUI) of M240 and M250 model readers can also be used to configure the Up Connect feature.
You can access the web portal by browsing to the IP address or server name address (URL) of the reader. Select “Up Connect” from the left column, and complete the Up Connect configuration settings. These settings are exactly the same as those described in the Reader Configuration Utility section above.
Part 2 - Configure Up Connect Feature in CenterScape
To configure CenterScape, perform the following steps:
1. Open the utility.
2. In the Admin Console, go to the Configuration tab.
3. Click Readers and then click the individual reader that you want to configure.
4. In the right panel of configuration settings, complete the following Up Connect Settings:
- Up Connection Enabled: Check this checkbox.
- Up Connection Reader ID: Complete this field with the information you used when configuring Up Connect in the RCU or in the web portal (GUI).
- Up Connection Password: Complete this field with the information you used when configuring Up Connect in the RCU or in the web portal (GUI).
- Confirm Password: Complete this field with the information you used when configuring Up Connect in the RCU or in the web portal (GUI).